Nov 4: Updated some links

If you are interested in donating some funds to help support my art practice, please click on the following link. Any assistance is appreciated.


Making of

Sprite / Art Related

SRK: How to make an SF4 Character into an SF3 style sprite - A tutorial written up by steamboy33
Prime Central Station forum - Forum run by PrimeOp; very spriter centric with a dash of games, wrestling and other things.
Pixelation forum - Forum dedicated to pixel and low res art.
ZweiFuss - Online gallery of SF3 animations which lets you view the game's sprites on the fly and in their various palettes.
2D Will Never Die - Hey, Kiwi has got himself a full site now! Includes several tutorials that are fighting game centric but useful for all.
Deviant Art: HIIVolt-07 - Also known as Diepod, this fellow's gallery consists of pixel art and illustrations done digitally and with good old fashion pencil on paper.
Deviant Art: Zubby - DA gallery of Jim "Zubby"Zubkavich, a Toronto based digitial artist and project manager who has done work with Udon Entertainment. Talented fellow and upstanding guy overall.
Quand j'avais une scie dans tĂȘte... - Blog of artist Stephane Boutin; for those unfamilar with that name, he was one of the animators for Ubisoft's Scott Pilgrim game among others. Just note that the blog is in French.

Mugen Related

Elecbyte - Creators of the MUGEN engine.
Mugen Fighters Guild forum - One of the most currently active Mugen centric forums these days. Usually frequent the graphics and tips and tricks sections there myself.
Random Select - This site has a database of works related to the engine, but the key item of interest here is within the forum, where administrator KFM and a few others are currently working on alternate builds of open source MUGEN clone "IKEMEN."


Art of Manliness - I think the site's own description of itself says it best: "a blog dedicated to uncovering the lost art of being a man."
Lifehacker - A blog that covers a lot of odds and ends ranging from how to get the most of electronics to the dos and dont's of a myriad of social sitations.

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